This poem is the direct result of the hat poem. I focused on emotion rather than being funny. Turns out humour needs a time and place.

So much of what a writer puts down is falsified, I tried my hand at obsession. Pure need for someone’s attention personified as a partner.

I graze his arm in hopes he will

Notice me,

But this body betrays me. His gaze drifts through me

Walking by,

I manipulate my body to mirror what he wants.


My hands are first.

I paint rainbows on my nails, layer after layer.

The rings shine and twinkle as I exaggerate gestures with them.

He is caught.


Then my lips,

I cut them. A drop of blood

Trails down and hits my manicured hand.


Red will be my next nail colour.


Fashion Advice from a Knowledgeable Hat


Mimicry Poem