A call and response. “The Bird” by Patrick Lane: “The Bird” by Megan Barron

Mimicry Poetry; what is it and is it helpful?


This would be my first attempt at mimicry, intentionally copying another author’s style and consuming it to make my own.

Mimicry can be helpful, if you need a fast way to get rid of writer’s block. A way to stop focusing on what to write and instead focus on capturing a voice.

It forced me out of my head, but only writing this type of poetry is skirting a thin line between creativity and voice. Something I was told in university: “the best authors steal from one another.” A true enough statement, we all are inspired by authors we love.

Though as a writer, or artist of any kind, we need to find our own voice or we can never explore the things that WE need to share. “The Bird” spoke to me, but copying Lane’s voice felt wrong or I supposed less genuine to my creative voice.

The Bird you captured is dead

I scream it in his face

But it is too late

The hand comes. Blood rushes

To seal the damage (hurt) carved by

My own disobedience.


Our vows.

Broken and defied by hate.

Your infidelity strikes me harder than your hand.

My song drew you to

Its flame stronger than

Any love you could have held.


My voice

Comes to me like a blade

Flying delicately up my sick lungs.


Tearing through the thin veil

That once clouded my heart with love.



