The Logo:

The logo is currently a placeholder for when I get a better one, but I drew it by hand with a calligraphy pen; I made three renditions.

The first is in the site header, and you can see it at the top of the screen on desktop versions of the website.

I went with this rendition for the main logo because I felt the splatter of ink after self really encapsulated what I do with my writing; I let myself bleed onto the page.

The second is for mobile users with its more simplistic design of an abbreviation of the logo.

P.S. T.M.S sounds like what someone would name a submarine.

And the third contains more flare:

like some type of dwarven rune written by with a golden ink. And you can see my other attempt being cut-off, I’m still learning how to hold the pen nicely so my lines are less shakey.

Now a little bit about the Writer


Megan B.

I started this website because I needed an outlet to write my ideas while scheduling time every week to actually write something; advice, poems, short stories, personal oversharing pieces, anything. I graduated university and realized I had no assignments or deadlines to spark my writing. Naturally, I panicked and starting writing a novel, thinking because I had a lot of motivation that I would be writing constantly, I did at first, I was excited for a project! Then…I hid a wall. I saw a friend of mine posted about her blog and thought “I should do that, why am I not doing that?” and started my blog.

I liked the edgy name I created and put reminders on my phone to write a blog every Tuesday to be posted on Wednesday. I’m still new to the website portion of my blog, but I’m hoping overtime I’ll get more confident.

And before you ask, yes this accompanying photo is my ugly mug (with crocheted animal my mom made me). I guess I forgot to introduce myself; Hi, my name is Megan, I do identify as she/her, and I started this silly little website.


Some quotes I just made up:

“Let yourself bleed and see how it resembles ink” —Megs

“Writing is like a breeze, once you feel the air on your skin you have only a brief amount of time before it is lost to you.” —Megs

“A poem can just be a silly little thing about snow contained in a stanza, or it can be a layered cake with different levels of icing barely contained in five pages of stanzas, and sometimes it’s just not that deep.”—Megs