Bi-Monthly Creative Pieces

These pieces are specifically curated for this website. Unlike the portfolio section, where those pieces were written for classes and with specific themes and genres. The pieces found here will jump around depending on my muse but nonetheless creative writing pieces.

Megan Barron Megan Barron

Losing Time and Tabula Rasa

Lucy goes for a follow-up after weird bloodwork results.

The photo is creepy but it is not a horror story.

Photo credit: @scottrodgerson

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Megan Barron Megan Barron

Desolate Poetry Collection

Photo credit: Martin Martz @martz90

This is a small poetry collection features loneliness/desolation. It will most likely be added to in the future.

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Megan Barron Megan Barron

Poetry Library

A poetry collection, of sorts, where I take old poems I wrote as a teen and try to save them as an adult.

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Megan Barron Megan Barron

Pumping the Brakes

A thrilling tale about an abandoned child who was taught to never be weak.

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