A (Personal) Crisis

Fires melt my home as

my body wrapped in an artificial draft

cries at an injustice I can never solve.

I slip my feet into shame and uselessness

drudging along the concrete city

waiting to be blamed for each footprint I leave

by a corporate bigwig sluicing off allegation

and spearheading another way to destroy.

What time has given,

climate anxiety and global news has taken away.

My eyes flit between screens:

one describing the very insignificant,

inconsequential, unimportant, unworthy,

part I play in my own life;

the next tells me how to complete the simplest of tasks

“here’s easy ways to get your landlord to fix a problem you’ve been asking them deal with”

“here’s how to speak your emotions clearly and thoughtfully and without judgment so people take you seriously”

while ads crowd the articles with buying the next new fossil fuel monster

or how companies use our negative emotions (jealousy, pride, and greed)

to manipulate a generation into thinking everything is their fault

a way to pass the shame

to the next person who has not been taught to solve

but to internalise and spiral.

in the next breath,

I see a picture of family and think of happiness.

I’ve stored my love,

it awaits nestled next to my tongue

ready to care.

All the longing, aching, and suffering

I’ve turned to warmth, care, and adoration.

I await patiently for anyone to cross my path

I can’t help but splay my skin

over theirs to hide them away

from the talons and needle-eyes.

Fore where else would my love go?


Girl’s Trip, Gore, and Goners.


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