Poetry Library

This collection of poems will be pertaining to memories. I plan to continue this, hopefully anytime the inspiration strikes or I remember a lost memory, alongside my other posts.

“Overburdened by it all”

The potential

for tomorrow

is in

the experiences

of today.

—Something I wrote in 2016.

The first is a sentence which came after a stressful week of university tests. I remember just coming home and sighing, knowing I somehow bombed the test. I ate my dinner, making conversation I didn’t hear, just to go to sleep thinking about that stupid test. Obviously, it wasn’t bad as I passed and moved onto the next semester without remembering what was on those tests.

It is a reminder, as someone who constantly overthinks and worries about the past, to not put so much pressure on mistakes you think you’ve made because more times than not, no one remembers except you.

I pull the loose string,

removing more and more

of my sweater sleeve,

as the faceless speak words

I cannot ingest.

Memories of cornering and feigning,

the howl of human and dog

as human’s hands catch the wet dog fur,

of love and annoyance.

The phone cold on my cheek

smeared with grease,

as my parents say she’s gone;

‘She couldn’t get back up the stairs,

we took her to the vet and…

she’s going.’

The string continues to unravel

parts of my flesh down to the bone,

etched in calcium, muscle, blood,

‘she’s going.’

And now she’s gone.

I wrote this one today. The imagery is not the best but I think it captures the feeling of losing something when you aren’t there. I lost my dog when I was away from home and my parent’s called me to tell me. It immediately puts your body into ‘stasis’ mode where you are focusing on one thing to idle your brain but the thoughts keep coming trying to pull you under.


“Voices Heard not Seen”


Revisiting my 2022 Reading Goals; Spoiler-Free Edition