Bi-Monthly (twice a month) Posts

Writing Hiatus for Anthology Editing!!

Bi-Monthly (twice a month) Posts ✿ Writing Hiatus for Anthology Editing!!

Welcome to my website where an adult writes to overcome her excessive writer’s block after graduating from university and now has no structure or assignments to force her into writing weekly pieces.

To write is to push past that gremlin garbling in your brain for you to do something while not doing anything at all and put down on paper or on a word document all that you’ve been dreaming about; like that dream where you danced with a home-intruder because you watched too many horror films before bed while also being a romantic.
— Megan Barron

Quotes to Inspire the Mind

"I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn."

— Anne Frank

“Make up a story... For our sake and yours forget your name in the street; tell us what the world has been to you in the dark places and in the light. Don't tell us what to believe, what to fear. Show us belief's wide skirt and the stitch that unravels fear's caul.”

— Toni Morrison

“Perhaps I write for no one. Perhaps for the same person children are writing for when they scrawl their names in the snow.”

— Margaret Atwood

“If only I could tear myself bare and beware the gore inside—lest a reader see too much of me than I know of myself.”

— Megan Barron

  • Poems

    This link will take you to the poem section of my portfolio. Many of poems are themed, read the caption at the top of each poem to check.

  • Short Fiction

    This link will take you to the creative fiction section of my portfolio. The stories have been reworked outside of when I originally wrote them.

  • Blog

    This link will take you to the bi-monthly blog posts! There will be a varied collection of micro-fiction, poems, short stories, advice, etc.