Bi-Monthly Creative Pieces

These pieces are specifically curated for this website. Unlike the portfolio section, where those pieces were written for classes and with specific themes and genres. The pieces found here will jump around depending on my muse but nonetheless creative writing pieces.

Megan Barron Megan Barron

Removing Cordyceps

Depression is a lot like a fungus network—or rather a lot like Cordyceps, a parasitic fungus that is somewhat safe for humans.

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Megan Barron Megan Barron

Holiday Home

It’s cold and I kinda needed that to remind myself that is it okay to be at a standstill

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Megan Barron Megan Barron

Work ≠ Happiness but $ could help

Work is a capitalistic dream that society has force-fed us into believeing is the only way to happiness; they are wrong, but man I’d love financial stability. It’s all about the art of distraction.

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