A Trifled Acquaintance

TW: dark and twisted, talk of past rape and killing, and gross depictions of murder.

(Wish I had more time to work on it, maybe develop the background and characters a bit more but this was something I thought would make a great villain story—super dark though so again read with caution!)


It seems to be a peaceful day in the market square in Ellington, where Lord Hamlet catches the eye of Lady Broughtin—just as the charming gentlemen is supposed to greet the lady, a hooded person slams into Lord Hamlet. They fall to the ground and the hooded figure digs into Hamlet’s pocket. Before Hamlet can react the figure shoots off of him, and promptly falls as Lady Broughtin sticks her foot out.

Hamlet shakes off the dust and smiles at his saviour. “Sorry miss, I didn’t catch your name?”

“Agatha Broughtin.” She extends her hand for him, he kisses her knuckles. He tilts his head as though the name recalls something, but thinks nothing of it.

“Lord Hamlet, it is a pleasure Lady Broughtin.”

She stills at his touch but about glancing at his face, she smirks. “No Lord Hamlet, the pleasure is mine. I am only too happy that I was here to stop the ruffian.”

He looks down at his attempted robber, “I imagine you thought I was a good target hmm? Since you did not succeed, you may go.”

Agatha stares at him, then looks down to nod slyly at the ruffian. As the person scrambles away, Agatha addresses Hamlet, “You have a strong sense of justice, Lord Hamlet?”

He retrieves his pouch of money and pocket watch from the ground. “I’d like to think so, I can’t help but feel sympathy for the fellow, but the law exists for a reason.”

Agatha face contorts into shock, “I had not taken you for a law-abiding citizen.”

He looks at her. “Do you know me?”

She shakes her head, “I’ve never met you until today, milord, I have however…heard of you.”

“Good things I hope?”

“Oh yes…very good things.”

He smiles, having caught his prey. “I see a wonder in your eyes, my Lady…would you care for a walk?”

She looks at him for a few moments, as though seeing something else behind his pleasant smile. “How about you accompany me to the castle west of here?”

He sees a hint of fear as her hands shake. He made up his mind. “Of course.”


It takes them a week to travel together. They hop from carriage to carriage on their way, each time getting closer and closer to the castle. During the time, they grow closer. Hamlet learns that Agatha needs something from the king here, and she does not want to be there alone. Hamlet is a gentlemen and knows how terrifying kings and their courts can be, though hearing her story about losing her sister solidifies his resolve. They have grown intimate as well, nothing past caresses—when Agatha touched his face, he felt safe, they way she held him close and firm. He knew he loved her, and she loved him so that is all that matter for now. It isn’t until they are riding in the town up to the castle that Hamlet grabs her hand. She tenses immediately and pulls her hand away, “just wait until we arrive, I need to do this first.”

He nods and removes his hand, thinking nothing of her withdrawal.

Then they enter the castle and are led through the empty court to a private chamber of the king. Hamlet thinks this is strange but perhaps it is a personal matter Agatha has with the king.

“Do you know why I’ve accompanied you here?” She turns towards him after waving the page away." “It wasn’t because I was scared.”

“Because you needed to see the king?”

She laughs, “No, this is my kingdom. When I turned of age, my father granted me this—on one condition.”

Hamlet sits heavily on one of several chairs around the room. “I do not understand.”

“No, you wouldn’t. But you will.”

“Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me?”

She laughs, her lips nearly crack from how wide they stretch. “Love you? We have barely spoken!”

“But our touches?”

“Oh, that was to make sure it was real. You see…Eighteen years ago you killed my older sister. And my father promised me this kingdom if I found her killer.”

He pales, “…what?”

She straightens, wiping her smile off. “Aidan was 14 and beauty shone out of her, my dad knew one day she would need to be marry but she was hidden for a time to give her freedom…until she met you of course.”

She slams him back into his chair as he tries to escape. “She had no intention of marrying or involving herself with another until you walked into our lives in your search of power and money…” She glares. “Aidan couldn’t stop talking about how much you spoiled her, she was a fucking minor and you in your mid-thirties assumed your role as her defiler…”

She leans into him as he attempts to leave again, “Don’t worry, I’ve waited too long for this to hurt you at this moment…you need to feel what you’ve done. Now, Aidan told me how you suddenly stopped ‘loving’ her because she didn’t sleep with you. I couldn’t believe it, I was visiting my mother at the time and started my month journey back as soon as Aidan told me. It didn’t even take you a week to fuck and dump her body and by the time I came home, my family was in shambles.”

She walks in a small circle around his chair. He sweats and swallows, “I have no ide—”

She slaps him so hard his head snaps back, “You fucking liar.” She wipes her hands. “I found your letters to your friends. How you boasted about getting the naive Broughtin sister to fall for you…it took me a couple years to track down anyone who knew your name—they talked quite a bit after some persuasion. That’s how my parents found me actually,” she chuckles at the memory, “standing over the torn remains of your friend.”

She slaps him on the arm, in an imitation of how she used to prior to this.


She glares down at him, “Is this not what you expected when you raped and killed my sister? Perhaps you expected to get away or that your judgement would be lenient?”

He whimpers and she delights in it.

She cackles, “turns out it’s very easy to trick an egotistical man. So full of themselves, they assume everyone wants them.” She glides a finger up his cheek just to see him flinch, “Did you know I hadn’t actually meant to ‘seduce’ you? I was going to pretend you needed protection to the kingdom and act as your bodyguard. It’s funny isn’t it? How one person can ruin your fucking life…” She sighs, “I’m going to enjoy this.”

She grips his chin as tears run down his cheeks. “I never meant—”

She tsks, “again with the lies? The letters painted quite a vivid picture of your enjoyment. But so did your diary and the testimony of your mother—who hates you now by the way.”

He feels paralysed by her words, never in all his years had he thought this woman would know—that anyone should find out aside from his friends. “Let a judge determine my fate.”

“A judge would let you walk free because of your wealth and gender. I seek revenge where your broken body cannot harm her memory anymore. For years, all I’ve thought of is what your face would look like at this moment. I never thought you pretend to be innocent, especially for this long after all the evidence I’ve revealed…No, you are going to lose your hands first, then your tongue, then I’ll break your legs and leave you here for a few days. Only then will I take your eyes and your life.”


“No sweetheart, you once told me you believed in the law—and the law has failed me but I do think you deserve this.”

“Take anything but my legs and I’ll leave this and never talk to anyone about it!”

She cackles again, “This is inevitable. After-all, a liar should have no legs, wouldn’t you agree, Lord Hamlet?”

He screams as Agatha makes good on her promises.


(Do you get the title now? Because the characters have layers? No? That’s okay too!)


Roller Daydream


Me, Her, Hers, Mine