An Ode to Autumn

There is a crispness to the air,

it warms the part of me drenched in sweat,

it soothes a generation of arguments,

replacing it with sweaters, dead leaves, gourds, and coziness.

From the moment I open my eyes

to the second my head hits the pillow,

framed by an orange glow,

Autumnal spectres stretch their hands

shaping my melancholy into wistfulness.

My brain halts weariness production

for but a moment

as the wind hits and I pull on my socks

and take in the crinkle of leaves dancing

I can slow my mind.

For she too can be tricked,

in this instance, she can understand

we can return. We can shift.

It does not end here, it will continue despite

heat and pressure and swelling.

this cold and hollowness allow us to expand

to grow and shape ourselves anew—

decay leaves room in the soil for new roots—

to become more than what stopped us.

Thank you, Fall/Autumn/Mid-Season, sincerely,

from a women who is too hot in the summer,

to the point of frustration, but also likes the outdoors.

AN: Did I write a small poem to thank Fall for being chill, yes I did.


The Boogeyman P1


We can be more than they make us.